Thứ Ba, 26 tháng 1, 2016

A shitty daily story

Last night, after saw an anouncement of my faculty about the result of the subject called ASEAN, I was actually disappointed and sad because it was beyond my expectation, my group had the lowest result. In addition, I could not sleep because of mosquitoes.It was a terrible night.  In the morning, I slept late and had a light breakfast with a milk bottle and crackers. As a daily life, I turned  my FB account on. My teacher said right  :"Whenever you are on FB, what you see is that people are always gorgeous, talented and successful". It is true. Today, I see my friends go to exchange culture in foreign country. I see s.o have a internship in a famous company. I see s.o' attempt to achieve sth. I see their success, I see their talent. I see....And look back at myself, I see my not-much-enough effort, I see my procrastination, I see my disorientation, I see...

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